built for
epic pursuits
Industry leading outdoor gear. Designed and tested with world-class athletes.
Cutting out retail middlemen. We only sell directly to you.
no retail markups. ever.
We sell directly to you. No middleman retailers to drive up the price to you.
The result? Better products, more features, lower prices.

Built with champions
Julia mancuso & david wise
We are so fortunate to have two extremely decorated and experienced skiers as Co-Owners in this business.
Julia and David bring a wealth of knowledge to our product development and excel at pushing prototypes to their limits.
how we gauge success
customer reviews
We strive to make the best possible products and give you an unmatched shopping experience. Customer feedback is the true measure of whether or not we are succeeding at our mission.
Team Uniforms
tested and trusted
We are extremely proud that our gear is trusted by some of the top ski and snowboard youth teams, including Palisades Tahoe, Northstar, Team Summit, Bear Valley, and many more.
free shipping over $50
try it on at home
Free Exchanges & Returns
Limited Lifetime Warranty