10 Cool Winter Gear Features Kids Need (Part 2)

10 Cool Winter Gear Features Kids Need (Part 2)

Part 2 of 2:  Here are 5 more kid-centric features in our line of gear for skiing, snowboarding, or just playing for hours in the snow. Which is your favorite?

This post is Part 2 of 2 in our series highlighting 10 Cool Winter Gear Features Kids Need. 

Click here to see Part 1 with 5 more cool features of our first line of gear for kids that ski, snowboard, or just run around playing in the snow all day long.  Below is our second set of five:



Problem: Kids get wet when they spend all day out in the snow. And when they are active, they get hot and sweaty and then cold when the sweat chills inside their clothes. 

SHRED DOG Solution: All of our winter hardshell jackets and winter snow pants utilize 15k/15k rated waterproof / breathable membranes with DWR coated face fabrics. There are higher rated fabrics designed for very active adults and for standing in a torrential downpour for hours on end but for kid-specific use, 15k/15k is elite-level performance without paying more for something you don’t need.

Click here for more information on waterproofing and breathability in outerwear.

Compare To: The vast majority of other snow products on the market have 10k/10k or lower rated waterproof / breathable membranes that lack the waterproofness and breathability active kids require.

Waterproof SHRED DOG Fabric

Shown Above: Outerwear face fabric 



Problem: My kid's winter jacket and pants leak after a while in the snow.

SHRED DOG Solution: All of our winter hardshells and pants are fully seam-taped to prevent any leaks, making them fully waterproof, even after a full day of playing in the snow.

Click here for more information on seam taping.

Compare To: Most other brands save cost and only tape "critical" seams in their winter jackets and pants. For standing upright or skiing without falling, this can be sufficient but we design for what kids do. And kids play in the snow. For how kids use gear, a 20k waterproof rating that is only critically seam-taped is less waterproof than a 15k rated garment that is fully seam-taped. 

Boys Duke Hardshell

Shown Above: Seam tape on the interior of a hardshell 



Problem: Kids are tough on gear. In particular, they wear out the knees, ankles, and bottom hems of their winter snow pants 

SHRED DOG Solution: We reinforced all these areas with extremely durable, abrasion-resistant fabric to extend the life of your kids' products.

Click here for more information on SHRED DOG winter pants.

Compare To: Many leading brands only reinforce the bottom hems and ankles, if at all. 

Boys Ridgeback Pant

 Shown Above: Anti-abrasion reinforcement on the knee of the Ridgeback Pant



Problem: Kids lose anything that is not attached to them.

SHRED DOG Solution: We created a simple quick-attach accessory loop that is sewn inside the left hand pocket and allows kids (or parents) to attach gloves, neck gaiters, and other small items to the jacket. This means fewer trips back to the parking lot or lodge looking for accessories your kids left behind.

Click here for more info on SHRED DOG hardshells.

Closeup of SHRED DOG hardshell kids winter jacket

Shown Above: Quick-attach accessory loop



Problem: Active kids overheat in bulky insulation pieces (and look like "marshmallow men").

SHRED DOG Solution: We designed our insulator jackets to have 100g of 3M™ Thinsulate™ in the chest to keep the core warm. The arms require less insulation so, to prevent overheating during periods of activity, we put 60g of insulation throughout the arms. Using Thinsulate and body-mapping gives our insulators a sleek, stylish look as well. Warmth without the bulk.  Perfect for layering or just wearing to school. 

Click here for more information on SHRED DOG insulators.

Compare To: Many leading brands use the same amount of insulation in the arms and core can lead to overheating during activity. And if they use a generic insulation material, they may require 140g or more of insulation to match the warmth of 3M Thinsulate, resulting in the "marshmallow man" bulky look.

shred dog kids in puffy insulator jackets

Shown Above: Boys' Malamute Insulator and Girls' Akita Insulator


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